PT Hutama Maju Mandiri

Fabricator and System Integrator

PT HUTAMA MAJU MANDIRI provide you one stop solution for engineering, fabrication, and system integration services with wide range of industrial needs. Our integrated services will increase your project efficiency, so it can reduce your budget cost, improve projects quality with on-time schedule.

Become a world-class company with products and services that support the energy industry as well as new and renewable energy industries.

  • Provide products and services in accordance with customer requirements of quality, budget and schedule
  • Develop business mechanisms that can provide benefits to customers, shareholders, employees and the social environment
  • Continuous improvement in human resources and enterprise management in order to provide satisfaction to customers and enhance company growth

PT Hutama Maju Mandiri is designated for your Best Quality, Budget, and Schedule. We have gained a reputation for expertise in fabrication and system integration which is reflected by the confidence of our customers as well as supported by certification of regulation bodies such as MIGAS, ASME, ISO, SKUP, Etc.

Years as
General Supplier
Years as Fabricator
and System Integrator
Our Beloved

PT HUTAMA MAJU MANDIRI provide you one stop solution for engineering, fabrication, and system integration services with wide range of industrial needs. Our integrated services will increase your project efficiency, so it can reduce your budget cost, improve projects quality with on-time schedule.

PT. HUTAMA MAJU MANDIRI was founded in 03 December 2001, previously serve as General Supplier and Services Provider for instrumentation and control equipment.

To improve performance quality, PT. HUTAMA MAJU MANDIRI focusing on products and services as fabricator and system integrator in mechanical, electrical and instrumentation used in oil and gas, and general process industries.

PT HUTAMA MAJU MANDIRI was staffed with expert and international experience engineers, welders, fitters and technicians to assist you finishing project and maintenance operation within your quality, budget and schedule, with commitment to safety, health and environment regulation.

PT. HUTAMA MAJU MANDIRI has gained a reputation for expertise in fabrication and system integration which is reflected by the confidence of our customers as well as supported by certification of regulation bodies such as MIGAS, ASME, Etc.

PT. HUTAMA MAJU MANDIRI registered at Ditjen MIGAS as supporting industries for Pressure Equipment and Mechanical Equipment with SKUP MIGAS No. 1245/19.07/DMB/2020.